Thursday, August 29, 2013

USA afraid to attack Syria !

Recently I am noticing the Syrian chemical-bombing and its consequences. Noticeably USA is so much interested in warning Syria's actions by a 'little' missile attacks. I do not understand why USA is jumping on this issue so much. It is acceptable if UN put Syria's leader (Assad) in court and give proper punishment. Why would USA strike a country which is already burning? This is total crappy idea. If USA is really concerned about Syria's citizens, then it should not do any missile attack, which will kill more Syrian citizen.

Anyway, Syria is backed by Iran (who is already an anti-USA country). Moreover Russia and China warned against attacks on Syria (because those countries have steel balls, unlike India). Now if USA strike Syria then there will be a big war. USA jumped in without thinking the depth of the issue. Now Obama says 'I have not yet decided on Syria attack'.. ha ha it is really funny !!! Also USA give lame excuses to its fear saying 'USA congress members did not support the attack'. So this is a (crappy) reason mentioned for USA's inaction. Any one who understand the world politics will know USA is afraid to take action.

It is happy to see USA is afraid of other nations (at last). It is only legal for UN to inquire and punish the persons behind chemical-attacks (who knows it might be USA's secret agent in Syria). USA has no rights to enter into other country's civil issues.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Might makes right - in India

War... does not only mean physical violence.. but also mental violence.

I am now writing the stream-of-consciousness running in my brain that goes wild like tsunami within.

Might makes right

Socrates was poisoned to death for standing against the church's views. He stated "Might makes right". Similar thing I am facing in present day India. I feel that as a Tamil-an I am not treated with equality in India. The inner-minds of every Hindi speaking Indian has some kind of upper hand over Tamil and generally south-Indian states. This is what I call "Might makes right". In outside world people never expose how racist they are. I cannot prove that most Hindi people have hatred towards south-indians. But it actually exist. This is my problem. People act infront of the world. In olden days people can fight directly and no cold-wars happen. But due to the advent of modern-society, the laws go in hands of Majority or otherwise the 'MIGTY' , who makes the laws and RULES.. The voice of minority is suppressed or never heard (like this blog)

When I go to non-Tamil region in India, people make derogatory statements about 'Madras' (Chennai). In spite of the fact, that Tamilnadu adds best qualities like music/cinema/IT/motor-industries, India does not recognize it, just because of the language barrier. Hindi-speaking people mostly think themselves superior for some unexplainable reason (may be skin color divide??).

When people of tamilnadu raise against this, they were called activists, terrorist kind of people, people who disintegrate the nation and so on.. WHY ????? shouldn't we defend our language when someone derogates its values.

There is always a fear among the minority groups that "what if the majority crushes us???" So minority people like Tamils will always be actively monitoring any smallest event that hurts the Tamil sentiments. For the majority Hindi-speaking people there is no need for such anxiety over their language. They know that their language is not at stake.

India has laws that says there is NO national-language in India. But many people in India ask/say me "Why haven't you learnt Hindi..? It is our national-language ..." This might seems to be a simple question in day to day life. But it is very provoking for me. It is all my wish to learn or not. Why would someone pester you with this kind of statements??? I will learn it when I actually need to. But pestering things like this brings about hatred feeling involuntarily.

Even some people who read this might think that I am a fool/lunatic/racist/etc.. But I am NOT.. I am enthusiast of Tamil language. I can do things that could help humanity. I certainly don't need Hindi to do this. If Hindi is a car and Tamil is a bike, I am OK with bike.. when I desperately need a car, I will try to get it. I am now happy with the bike.. I don't want car sellers to pester me to get a car.

Importance of Tamil (to me)
I am born and brought up in Tamilnadu. When I was a child, I know only one language Tamil. The language is like a "tool". You learn to communicate all your feelings (that make up a human) in your mother tongue. So Tamil is like a tool.. it is like an organ for me. It is like water to fish. This language (Tamil) is a part of me and it a part of my ego. Many people would say we should use language only for "communication" and it should not divide people. I accept it, but this hold good only when someone actually want to 'communicate' the ideas to you.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

History should not be ignored: Mullai Periyaar Issue

It took 24 years for me to gradually understand the mullai-periyar issue and its background. (Thanks for bloggers and especially wikipedia). At this point I realized that there is a history not known to common people or in other words not highlighted to common public. I would like to bring that history to light , which I believe could make the public understand the issue fully and solve it by humanity.

First of all, Periyar river (Periyaaru) originates in westernghats and ends in arabian sea near vembunadu lake. Mullai river (Mullaiaaru) originates in varshanadu hills and flows in cumbum valley and joins with Suruli river (Suruliaaru) . Collectively Mullai+Suruli=Mullai and flows towards Theni and near Aundipatti it merges with Varaga river (Varragaaru) and few other small rivers and becomes Great Vaigai river. So totally there is no relation between Periyaaru and Mullai or Vaigai river naturally.

In 1700, a person in Ramnad district concieved an idea of bringing some water from Periyar river into cumbum valley and joining it with Vaigai river. Hence more water for Ramnad. This idea was reviewed and implemented by one nonsense (i.e. intelligent) british engineer in 1886 (i guess).. And additionally he made a pact with Travancore King that time to sign a 999 year bond :D to give water to Madras Presidency (i.e. present day Tamilnadu). So definitely Travancore king and his citizens will be angry !!! am i right??

It is during this time the people from dry Sivakasi-kovilpatti region (including my grandpa's family) moved to Theni district. So 1900 is the time people settled in Theni due to its new water supply. ( atlast I found the answer to my long lasting question i.e. why my family deity is in sivakasi -sattur region and we are here in theni??)

Then during M.G.R rule in Tamilnadu he made that 999 to eternal :D ... lol This is one more reason M.G.R is very special for Aundipatti people. May be this is M.G.R's tribute to Aundipatty area people.

ok, coming back to the point.. the Mullai<--->Periyaar connection is man-made idea to make cumbum-theni valley area more fertile. In 1970 there was a mild earth-quake in this region and the Mullai-Periyar dam was affected by that. So due to safety reasons the water-level of the dam was lowered. This move inturn affects the crops in cumbum valley.

In point of Kerala, the safety of people is first. In point of Tamilnadu the dam is safe enough to raise the waterlevel and supply extra water. So Kerala politicians assures their people for not raising the water-level and gains vote. Tamilnadu politicians assures the farmers in cumbum valley to bring extra-water for their crops and gains vote.

In reality, if everybody in this region are aware of the history, the problem can be solved smoothly. i.e. Central government can build a new replacement dam. But now the politicians made it into cultural/regional/lingustic issue that it was deep-rooted in minds of people.
Blindly people fight for this issue. So no one will come to a solution.

The real solution is the awareness of the people about the history of the dam and the purpose of the dam. Kerala people can allow Cent Govt to build/repair the dam to raise water level. OR. Tamilnadu people can stop asking for water and find something innovative to raise crop production. BUT. both kerala and tamilnadu people should not give way to politics/politicians.

So, History should not be ignored !!!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

From where does Brahmins came ? Probably Aryan Invasion Theory holds good !!!

The Begining: Little ICE AGE STORY
It is the last ice age which ended around 10,000 years. The Ice Age plays a major role in migration of people from Northern Hemisphere towards Equator. Yes, the last ice age ended with people migration from present Russian region towards the Equatorial Regions (viz Missisipi Civilization and Indus Civilization). In this discussion we take only the Indus part and leave the rest.
Before 8000-7000 years ago (i.e. 6000 - 5000 B.C.) there was Harappan Civilization in the Indus valley area. The Harappans are considered to have good grip on chemical/astrological/medical/ mathematical and archetectural field. Also the language spoken was a Dravidian Based language. Basically all over the present day India in that age people speak Dravidian Based language (in other terms their language was the basis of dravidian languages).
The Invasion (The people who invaded are referred as ARYANs)
Then came the fair skinned, Sharp-Cold Tounged (i.e. their voices and language are based on the cold climatic conditions, which made sharp syllabals) and with good powerful body. Due to the Intensified cold-conditions in the northern region they drove thier horses down towards the equatorial Indus valley. Being attracted by the water-bodies, vegetation and civilized areas they wanted to take Indus under their control. The black harappans who dint saw any such warriors before lost against the musce-power of fair skinned. But because of the abundant knowledge in the region they took all the people under control and extracted work out of them.
Genetic Mixing
Over the years, due to the nature's call, people f*cked among the ruling(fair skinned) and knowledge-slaves(harappans once). It is almost 1000 years of Genetic Mixing which resulted in the lost identity of either of the people (Aryan & harappan). By now the living conditions were normal and people had time for doing some research. It is to be noted that, the research works will be carried out only under two conditions -- one is full of peace... other is restless fighting, which demands the armament research. Here it is purely peace and hence people started to think in un-understandable questions of life which is now called as Spiritual Life. Infact nothing is Spiritual untill this point, in whole of the world !!!
Varna System ( Hey RAM !!!)
The people who deeply thought about things started avoiding materialistic life and started to devote time for GOD (the unknown person of the unknown mother and unknown father... Basically all the unknowns). The people who belive in researching unknown (i.e. GOD) started to think themselves elite and prevented themselves from others in the society. Unfortunately the others in the society also considered these idiots (i.e. Unknown Researchers) as well-Knowledged and worshiped them as their head. This is what lead to the Varna System. People grouped themselves based on their interest (i.e. Administration / law and Order / Trade & Foreign Relations / Food Processing / the Un-Interested ! ). The Kings who ruled the lands during these era are basically well in administration and all people were happy in that span of time. RAM is also one such king whose history is well documented through poetry.
Birth of Brahminism, The Vedic Era:
Still now the cold-sharp tounged language and harappan language mixed. And further the unknown researchers formulated the mixed-up-language to form PRAKRIT --> SANSKRIT. They also put some research hands to develop letter forms (Note: Developing language is very famous tat time like we do MBA or Phd in 2008 !).
The people who developed Sanskrit, used it for compiling poems and songs. These works actually documented their KNOWLEDGE in form of praising the GOD (the unknown). This paper presentation is nothing but VEDAS. To explain in more simple way, All the stupid research works on the UNKNOWN GOD lead to actual psychological cum scientific research and ended up in documentation as VEdas.
The Vedas explained the highest knowledge people as 'Brahmnas'. But to be noted is all the GOD researchers are considered highly knowledged and this term 'Brahmna' acually a self praising term used by them. Later this trend lead to the elite group formation, the BRAHMINISM.
River saraswati,which flows from Himalayas towards present day RAjastan to Arabian Sea through present day Gujarat state disappeared because of Tectonic movement. Saraswati is one of the most wanted river of that times and it just disappeared because of the Techtonic plates movement (i.e. the earths curst layer movement). The water which was flowing through saraswati river untill then was now being drained into Ganga and Indus nowadays.
The Brahmin Spread ::::: Society Poisoning
Now Rajastan and Gujarat are becoming desert in Equatorial region after Saraswati is dead. This lead the elite brahmanas to explore regions beyond the Indus area. The skillful and administrative brahmanas made successful steps into neighbouring areas whereas the others in Indus sticked to the same place dying for life and someones making life out of the same region. The brahmanas whoever moved out of the Saraswati region spread their varna system everywhere they go and made local submissive people under their clutches. This is the time when varna system spread all over present day Indian states. Though the brahmanas settled along with local-state people they still hold their identity tag with them (Till today !!!)
Present day Brahmins
Now all those Brahmins in each and everystate of India know that they are from common identity, i.e. the Indus-Saraswati region. They have natural tendency to shift places (countries nowadays !!!). They made locals under their feet. Now the locals realize that they have been fooled by the Strangers-from-Indus (brahmins). The locals now start movements to liberate themselves. So Pathetic that the actual people of the land strive for thier rights from Strangers from Saraswati-Indus region.
All states in India have this mixed-gene (i.e. Brahmins) in different local-caste(jati) names. Say Iyers & Iyengars in TamilNadu, namboothiris in kerala, etc etc in different other states.
I9Characteristics of present day Brahmins
  1. Brahmins today, try to promote Sanskrit based language (Hindi). Ya, almost all of Northern India which previously had less population was taken over by the Hindi now.
  2. Though southIndia is having strong hold on Dravidian languages, the Brahmins in this region will learn Hindi.
  3. Brahmins speak about GOD everytime thought they dont research on unknown things (which thier ancestors did once to write vedas!).
  4. Prevent themselves from others in society.
  5. Sought against Reservation Quota formulated by local-state people (who were supressed by brahmins till few decades back).
  6. Strictly follow their ancestors VEDAS. Very very old guys.. dont think anything new, but sing their ancestors songs everytime.
The Brahmins END !!!
Now almost most of the state in India started to identify the reason behind thier problems as Brahmins from Saraswati-Indus region and eradicating them from society. Hopefully soon these problems in society will be completely eradicated.
Notable Brahmin Activities in India
  • Making Hindi the language of India
  • Supporting Gandhi (the gujarati culprit) form everystate only because he is from Gujarat(thier ancestors place) and that he promoted their ideologies (BhagavatGita, Vegitatian Food, No to Alcohol, Ahimsa, etc).
  • Hindu Muslim Problem is only because of Brahmins in Gujarat and Westbengal. Because of this the hard earned money of many Indian states are lost. And many people's life are lost in Border region.

Monday, January 08, 2007

SADDAM Killed Beings /or/ being Killed ?

Saddam, on my view, was a powerful fellow of his times. He started with the vision of acquiring power and to make Iraq a secular & developed nation. He followed very dynamic way of acquiring power. I feel , he did that because, he cannot make the people(of iraq) understand his plans to develop the nation. So he arrogantly grasped the power. Importantly Iraq-ies are happy during his initial years of rule. He tried and almost made the country secular (i.e without any religion/caste/community). But Kohemeni, a religious fellow of Iran, infected the Iraq's north-eastern ( iraq-iran border area) Iraq-iets.
Saddam, could not see the people madly spreading the community with Kohemeni's leadership. So saddam personally acquired rage over Kohemeni and Iran. In those time happened the Iran-Iraq war. Also, the Genocide of Shia-Muslims, whom he considered the infecting-virus in the society, happened. According to his view, he killed the virus in the society. Personally saddam belongs to Sunni-Muslim community. This is largely considered as the reason for killing opposite muslim community (Shia) people.
  • Saddam deleted virus from his society (killing infective community by genocide). But in a cruel manner, which is worst.
  • He fought against Iran (which was indirectly supported USA/Kuwait/Saudi Arabia). But after Saddam tasted-the-sand in the war and was fined by UN to repay the war-losses to Iran.. all the back-up countries backed to help at Saddam's Crisis.#*%^&*
  • To repay Iran, Saddam asked his neighbouring friedly country (kuwait) to raise the oil-price along with Iraq so as to help in incresing Iraq's economy. But Kuwait dint helped !!!!???*
  • Saddam, like all normal human, got anger on kuwait/USA & Saudi Arabia.. He captured Kuwait's oil-fields and hiked the oil-price (to raise economy and repay war-loss to Iran).
  • USA want oil. So till then the helping-hand took a pistol front-of Saddam. USA sent its military to safe-gaurd Saddam's advancement towards Saudi-Arabia (which is next to Kuwait) and also warned Saddam to retrieve back to Iraq, leaving Kuwait's oil-fields.
  • Saddam dint cared for this. But once the US defined dead-line for Saddam is finished, USA started firing on Iraq's forces on Kuwait.
  • Poor Saddam's army torched all the Oil-wells in Kuwait and expelled from Kuwait.
  • After few months, USA's then President Senior-George Bush (father of current USA President,George Bush) arrive to Kuwait for a meeting. Saddam made a plot to kill Sr-Bush in that meeting. (but plot failed).
  • USA continued its attack after this plot. And Saddam is BUSH-Family's enemy now.
  • During Bill-Clinton's USA rule, saddam was not cared. Just he evaded from these issues.
  • Now Jr-Bush was the president. So he started searching for their Family enemy (Saddam).
  • In the name of destroying terrorism, he finally killed his family-enemy.

Now I wanna ask some questions...

  1. In India, the Indian-Army killed around 500-tamils (people of TamilNadu state in India) people during a civil upraising. Should the then-prime-minister of India be hanged???
  2. Americans killed many Afghanistan people during its war-against-terrorism. Even they attacked many hospitals in-which ladies & kids are dead. Should Bush be hanged to death ???
  3. Europeans especially English people killed thousands of Indians, when English people are ruling India. Should Queen-Elizabeth be hanged to death?
  4. In before-independence times of America, the Europeans and America-settled-Europeans occupied Africa -- expelled its aboriginal people -- even worst is, they sold them in slave-market as prostitues and bonded-labor. Many Africans were killed and tortured in this activity. Should Europe & America deleted from the world-map???

Those who rule--Will be ruled :: Those who torture--Will be tortured

Those who kill--Will be killed :: Those who fuck once--Will be fucked back TWICE

Lets wait and watch wat happens...........>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

USA brief history -- countries affected due to US intervention


Till the discovery of America in Nov 19th-1493 C.E, it was inhabited by Alaskan tribes,localtribes(Apaches) and so many tribals. Those tribes are suspected to have migrated from asia to alaska 13000 years ago. In the start of 16th century the European nations namely UK,Spain & Franceoccupied various territories and started ruling the new found land. However the AmericanRevolution during the 1760's fetched independence for America in the year 1775.The 50 in
dependent territories organized themselves and formed United States of America.

USA in Slave trade and its economic boom:
After the independence, the slave trade started to throng the USA and European markets.Slaves from Africa and most other colonies of British,French,etc were sold for a contract ofeight years. The child of a slave is also a slave for the owner. Thus the Europeans who settledin America started exploiting USA's natural resources and Slave's work in tandem.As a result of plantation and slave trade the country's economy boomed very high. Later USAhad some small wars over Spain to expand its territory(which was occupied by Spain that time).

The slaves mostly jews(israel native people),africans,etc started struggling against their masters.In 1860,Abraham Lincoln became the President of USA after a revolution. Because of his effortsthe slavery was abolished in USA. Though the whites and Blacks culture was prominent in USA tillearly 20th century, it vanished with time.

USA in World wars:
In world war-I and II America had its involvement and proven its power. In Worldwar-I america dint hadmuch of involvement. After worldwar-I America shown steady industial growth. In 1930's the stock market collapsed due to falling of farm-prices and increasing industial-product price.(this stock market collapse is called as GreatDepression)

Great Depression and Roosevelt's:
In 1932, President Roosevelt assumed office. He made many ammendments. He stabilized the economy of america. This period is also a notable period in American History. The Nation wason the go. In 1940's during the world-war-II, the Pearl Harbour was attacked and the USA entered into the war arena. Due to the fact that most of the Americans are actually from UK,Spain,France & Portuguse, the USA obviously were on the support to the Allied powers(UK,France,Russia).

World war-II a boon for USA:
The world war-II is a blessing in disguise for USA's recovery from Great Depression(i.e the stockmarket collapse in 1930's). So all the people were working for war. As a boon, Einstein gave Nuclear-Bomb details to USA Scientists and also Einstein was researching with nuk technology in USA. At the peak of Worldwar-II America became the first nation to produce NuclearBomb.

USA -- worst part-- "all world is USA's playground !":
Till this the Americans were on the Right track... The post-WW-II period was simply called the "Cold War" (i.e the ego between Russia and America). This superpower pair (Russia & America) collapsed many nations. Simply to say, Russia and America will fight in Other country. But the war between the super powers is not explicit.

Here are some of the countries affected due to USA-->

(1)Germany's Berlin seperated byRussia raising the Berlin wall. The west being with America.

(in 1946)

(2)Russians first sent a artificial satellite(Sputnik) to space--- Americans were worried and were thriving hard and later they sent Amstrongto moon (but a man sent to moon is unbelievable by many critics, and it is widely believed thelanding of Amstrong is taken place in Area-54,a military zone in USA, and not in moon!). (in 1946 -- 1969)

(3)Korea is occupied by japan during the end of ww-II. So Russia started to help koreans and fought with japan forces in north. USA started helping korea from south and it was now actually a war between USA(in south) and Russia(in North). Even though the two superpowers left Korea after few years of war,Korea was permanently splitted into North & South Korea.

(4)Vietnam was also a similar case like korea. Russia helped North vietnam's HO-Chi-Minh (a revolutionist), while Americasupported south part of vietnam along with australia,newzland and france. So vietnam was also a 3rdparty country ,which is the venue for Russians and Americans to fight.

(5) Cuba's Fidel Castro supported Russia's communalism. America dint liked cuba's attitude and had wars with it. Russia helped Cuba by giving missiles, which became the famous "Cuban Missile Crisis".

USA think "Russia is down- I am the only SuperPower- I can do anything ! "
After these five cold-wars the Russia's economy went down. In 1991 USSR collapsed due to lot of factors. So America remained the super-power as of today.

.... no.s continued from countries affected by USA's intervention.....

(6)Even it intervened in Iraq's affairs during Iran-Iraq war(1980's) ,and

(7)USA had supported Talibans of Afghanistan to fight against Russian(in 1993) in north of Afghanistan(this link of USA to Taliban is not proved).

(8)And the latest play for Americais "War Against Terrorism" against Saddam Hussien and Osama Bin laden.

Wait and Watch America's future plays.. May be India-Pakistan(if bilateral treaty breaks)// India-Srilanka(if India helps LTTE) // China-India //..

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

starting ceremony of this blog- "Om thath shath"

This blog is intended to give my overview of the civilizations(BeforeChrist,BC) to WorldWars I & II (CurrentEra,CE) to till today-->>>>>>>